Friday, February 8, 2013

Still viernes, viernes

Quick update since we got back from la clinica pretty early.  We met with a social worker and a very nice doctor named Javier who works exclusively in the HIV clinic.  It sounds like we will be working with him every morning!  He was very nice and used to working with students but fairly insistent that he needs a daily commitment in the mornings since that is when the vast majority of patients come in (and the clinic is understaffed so volunteers are really helpful).  Mariah is going to start this coming week and I will start the following week after she leaves.  That will allow me to continue with my lessons in the morning with my current teacher for one more week and for my last two weeks, I'll likely work in the clinic all morning and reduce my hours of Spanish to 3 per day (2-5p).

Here are some photos from our tortilla-making photo session last night.  To be more specific, I took pictures of us making tortillas and then 4-year-old Ricky took over my iphone camera to continue the photo shoot.


Ricky, showing us his musculos.

Living room:

Steve, future ENT and tortilla master.

Elida (mi "madre") and me

Muchos tortillas.

This was a serious operation, hence Jenna's scrub pants.

Ricky's self portrait.  Yes, those are penguin stickers on his forehead.

Front-facing camera

Steve was Ricky's first subject

 I his second

Jenna third

Alejandra and me

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